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 About Charles emmanuel & lasouch publishing

Charles Emmanuel is a 5-time #1 bestselling author, senior pastor, and publishing consultant who set up his publishing firm to pursue his call to “fill the earth with the knowledge of God like waters cover the sea”. This he fulfills by helping pastors and Christian ministers writer, publish and promote their books.

He is the co-founder and CEO of Lasouch Publishing – a publishing consultancy firm that helps pastors and Christian ministers overcome the overwhelm, confusion and frustration around getting their messages published in books.

Lasouch Publishing has helped hundreds of new authors write, publish and promote their books through his unique methods without waiting years, giving up other priorities or boring a hole in their bank accounts. 

His clients are some of the fastest-growing self-published individuals and ministries on three continents. Working with Charles has helped them grow their ministry brand and influence with books that take their message beyond the walls of their churches and communities.

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